We love seeing family both near and far… one thing that sometime has stopped us from traveling is the idea of do we have a crib there… is it a drop side crib of death (DO NOT USE Drop Side Cribs)… is it a pack and play from the 90’s did we loose the instructions to that pack and play will it take me longer to put it together then the visit itself… Thats been the thought process but then came along 4moms (I wish it was called 2dads or something more parent friendly) but no matter the name their products are AWESOME! I’ve been a big fan of the breeze since I first saw it at ABC baby and kids Expo years ago.
There is no silly locks and buttons and angles which you need to open it at… its just works. So Its made visiting Grandpa’s much easier this summer. After driving for hours to the end of long island you know you wont have a happy baby. Harper was actually pretty upset and cranky (can you blame her? I’d be pissed being in a car for 2 hours too). We dash into the house and within minutes we have the Breeze playard setup and ready to go… its perfect for naps and great for me to have a few moments to have piece of mind that she’s not going to walk into my legs, while I carry in the bags.
It takes me 3 minutes to make sure the breeze is all setup and it takes harper about 4 minutes to go to sleep once I got it setup. Now that is a Breeze #DadJoke.
We look forward to more roadtrip with the breeze and know that what harper is sleep is our own and its clean (so my wife doesnt have to worry).
Now no worries if you dont win my giveaway – if you check out 4mom’s facebook page you’ll see theyve got a bunch to giveaway there and we’re just 1/3 the way into the blog tour!
Want to see a great video review on the 4mom breeze – my friend Holly from BabyGizmo posted this one…
How to win it… Contest ends 11:59pm EST. June 17th, 2014.
Leave a comment why you want to win a brand new 4Moms Breeze! and please include some method for us to contact you in the comment (twitter or email).
You get 1 extra entry for tweeting about this contest (you can do this daily). Must contain the following information: @4moms @dadarocks –http://dad.am/1iiGGVG and you must also comment with the link to your tweet.
Example: I want to win a @4moms Breeze from @dadarocks –http://dad.am/1iiGGVG #giveaway
You get 1 extra entry for following @dadarocks on twitter – www.twitter.com/DaDaRocks You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming our FAN on facebook – www.facebook.com/DaDaRocks You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming their FAN on facebook – www.facebook.com/4moms Leave a note on their wall you’ve come from the DaDa Rocks giveaway! You must also comment here that you’re their fan.
You get 1 extra entry for liking this page on facebook (like button at the top of the post NOTE: you must be signed into facebook for it to work!)
You get 1 extra entry for G+ this page on plus.google.com (click on the little G+ icon below) You must comment that you have G+ it.
You will have 24 hours to reply before we pick another winner!
Disclaimer: 4moms supplied a sample breeze for me to demo and the prizes for this contest (no other compensation was provided) and this giveaway is limited to the USA and Canada only.
I’m a grandfather of 4 little ones, all under the age of 3. The breeze would be great for when I babysit and take them to the park….or when they want to nap. Thanks for the chance to win one. 🙂
Tweeted – https://mobile.twitter.com/maybedonnie2/status/476358705554792448
Following dadarocks on twitter @maybedonnie2
Facebook Fan of dadarocks – Arthur Caudill
4moms Facebook Fan – Arthur Caudill
Liked this page on facebook.
4moms facebook fan
Google+ follower – Arthur Caudill – highwayman100c
I’d like to win because we’re expecting our first little one and the Breeze would be great for him to sleep in when we go visit family.
I follow dadarocks on twitter – @krazykabbage
I like the dadarocks facebook page.
I like 4moms on facebook and wrote on their wall – https://www.facebook.com/4moms/posts/10152099493896345
I pressed the facebook like button on this blog post page.
I pressed the G+ button on this page – kat krazykabbage
I would love to win the breeze because it would allow me to have a cool place downstairs for my little one to nap during this hot summer. I also, love the easy fold! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Nicoleu0206 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win!
Nicoleu0206 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow 4moms on Facebook and commented on their page. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
I liked the post on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win!
The breeze is so amazingly easy and works so well for my tiny space! I’d love to win it for my little one due in September!
Twitter- @dindlee
I follow you on twitter, I’m a fan on FB of you and 4moms
https://twitter.com/dindlee/status/476384788744785920. I tweeted!
I’m a twitter follower and want to win a 4moms Breeeeeze please!
I want to win a 4moms Breeze b/c we love traveling and it will keep our little guy in a cozy safe environment!
I G+ this page to share the giveaway!
My twitter handle is @purelifemama
I became a fan of Facebook
For me, The Products 4moms that I prefer is Breeze and Origami, they have a practicality in their assembly and disassembly, as has been known for quality brand.
I would like to win because we have twins and it would make traveling so much easier! I like 4moms on facebook 🙂
Entry 1(comment): We are expecting our first in September and this play yard would be perfect to move from room to room with baby in hand and for our frequent travels.
Entry 2 (Tweet):https://mobile.twitter.com/miriaaamk/status/476421064629563393
Entry 3 (Follow @dadarocks): done; @miriaaamk
Entry 4 (like 4moms on Facebook): done; Miriam Matheny
Entry 5 (like post on Facebook):done; Miriam Matheny
Entry 6 (like post on Google+): done; Miriam Kasarda
Hello I would love to receive this breeze from 4 moms as I am a first time mother and would love to have this for outside and vacations with my family.
I am a fan of @dada rocks on twitter and FB and google plus
I am a fan of @4moms on fb and left a post on their page for the giveaway
I like this article page on fb
I also tweeted about this giveaway on twitter @vettilabelle
I would love to win the breeze because honestly I don’t have the money to buy one, I’m a mother of 2 boys and expecting my 3rd (a girl) on October 5th, 2014
We have a little guy coming in the next several months and this would be such a help!
I’m a new mom, my daughter is 2 1/2 months old. She already has a Mamaroo why not keep it going & get a Breeze too. I know we’ll both enjoy it this summer in the summer breeze 🙂 thanks for the opportunity!
I would love a breeze to use at home in my office since I work from home!
I would love to win a Breeze for #2 that is on the way. We travel a lot and this would be so much easier to take with us than all the things we used with #1. And we will need someplace to put #2 during #1’s activities like swimming and playing outside.
i follow on twitter @hrtsnthgts
I would love love love to win a breeze!!! We have six kids so we r always on the go !!!baby jax would love it!!!thank you!!
i’m a fan of yours on Facebook @hrtsnthgts
i’m a fan and posted on 4moms page https://www.facebook.com/4moms/posts/10152100068726345
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i liked this post on facebook
The breeze is awesome, we travel so much and have used a travel playpen from when my husband was little (in the 70s-80s!) it would be great to have a sleek new travel crib/playpen for our second child coming any day now!
[email protected]
I tweeted here: https://mobile.twitter.com/SMgajus/status/476472038643609600
I pressed the G+ button on this page – sharon bruen
I follow you on twitter as @smgajus
I’m a fan on Facebook (as Shelley Gajus).
I follow 4Moms on Facebook (as Shelley Gajus).
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I G+ +1’d.
I am trying to win the breeze for my brother and sister in law. They are having their first baby in September!
[email protected]
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I tweeted! 6/10/2014
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I am a new DaDa Rocks FB Fan!
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Lauren Robinson Little
I liked this post on FB
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[email protected]
I’d love to use this for family vacations and play time!
I follow @DaDaRocks on Twitter
I’m at DaDa Rocks fan on Facebook
I’m a 4Moms fan on Facebook and left a comment
I would like to win a 4moms breeze cause i need a place for my little one to nap during the day!
Im a @dadarocks fan!
I like @4moms page!
I have G+ this post
I NEED a breeze! I want to throw my pack n play out of the car on the highway it causes me so much grief trying to set up and break down. We are due with baby 2 in October and have been wanting one so bad. Plus my husband climbed his big butt in ours the other day for a photo op and I think he may have caused some damage…. Well that’s what I keep trying to tell him so he will let me get a new one 🙂
Like on FB and Twitter already 🙂
Twitterer @JamieTouchton
Tweet – https://twitter.com/ashleysuzanne13/status/476541354525220864
Tweet – https://twitter.com/ashleysuzanne13/status/476541575015579649
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Commented on 4Moms Wall – https://www.facebook.com/4moms/posts/10152100434631345
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Like this page on Facebook – Ashley Suzanne
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G+ this page – Ashley Suzanne
Forgot to put my twitter link in my last comment…
My baby girl is six months old. This would be the perfect safe place for her to learn sitting up and crawling. We also like taking a playpen to the pool with us to put in the shade. This one would be so easy to set up!
katygmorris at gmail dot com
katygmorris at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter as @katygmorris.
katygmorris at gmail dot com
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katygmorris at gmail dot com
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katygmorris at gmail dot com
I liked this post on FB as Katy M.
katygmorris at gmail dot com
I gave this post a plus on Google + as Katy Morris.
katygmorris at gmail dot com
I want to win this for our 4th baby because we got rid of all of our baby things after the last one outgrew them.
twitter: @LindseyMDaly
Tweeted again!! @dindlee
I want to win because I’m expecting in 2 weeks!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
follow you on twitter @Kayday3
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katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
Me and my husband are expecting our first little baby at the end of september! It will be the first grandchild on my side of the family so we will be doing a lot of traveling to visit them once lil one arrives and having a breeze will make it so much easier for us to pack up and go and not worry about where we can have the baby sleep when we are away from home!
Means of contacting are email OR twitter @lindsey_1210
I follow @dadarocks on twitter!
I’m a fan of 4moms on facebook!
I’m a fan of dada rocks on facebook!
tweeted about this rad giveaway!!
Although I have no children of my own, I have 8 nieces and nephews + a bonus nephew + another bonus niece/nephew on the way! (“Bonus” = my best friend’s wee ones). As much as I aspire to be the greatest Auntie in their lives, it certainly wouldn’t be complete with a few wonderful supplies such as this!
ah shoot – I can be reached via email [email protected] OR twitter @chrissymyers 🙂
okay another comment!
I’ve liked both DaDa Rocks and 4Moms Facebook pages + wrote on 4Moms page as requested. I also +1 with G+
Woo, there we are! Yay!
With a baby due next month this would be GREAT! I keep going into contractions and we will be heading to the beach and to visit family in Ohio shortly after she is born, this would be such a help! Thanks for the chance!
Duh I follow you, @stephdsays
I like you on FB (Stephanie Dulli)
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/StephDsays/status/476731772697190401
I have newborn twin boys and having something that is so easy to set up would help tremendously since my hands are already so full (in the best way!). We have had our eye on the Breeze for a while but it’s hard to scrounge up money for one with the amount of diapers and formula that come along with two babies! 🙂 Hoping we will end up winning one!
I have newborn twin boys and having something that is so easy to set up would help tremendously since my hands are already so full (in the best way!). We have had our eye on the Breeze for a while but it’s hard to scrounge up money for one with the amount of diapers and formula that come along with two babies! 🙂 Hoping we will end up winning one! (twitter: @kelly_rash)
Following on twitter! (@kelly_rash)
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Left a note on the 4moms Facebook page and am a Fan on there as well! (@kelly_rash)
Shared on G+! (@kelly_rash)
I’d love to win one because of how simple it is to take down and put up
I tweeted https://twitter.com/Luca_mom/status/476768720375668736
I’m a follower on twitter (@Luca_Mom)
im a fan of dada rocks on facebook
I liked the post and page about this giveaway on dada rocks
I’m a fan of 4moms on Facebook and commented on their page https://www.facebook.com/4moms/posts/10152101488416345
I have also G+ed it so i did all 7 entrys 🙂 thanks for the great chance to win!!!
I’d love to win a breeze! [email protected]
It’s perfect to take to the beach. I’m a Facebook fan of both pages as well and commented. I don’t do twitter.
I would LOVE to win the breeze because as a single mom I only have one hand. Pretty much my entire dare is filled with learning how to do things one handed. Including typing this comment! My pack and play takes two hands (sometimes it seems like I need 3) to put up!!
[email protected]
I have several friends that are expecting and I would love to win this to give it as a gift. [email protected]
I follow on twitter. @vvsweeps
This would make visiting family so much easier. So easy to use
I follow Dadarocks on facebook. Veronica Valdez
I follow 4moms on facebook. Veronica Valdez
I google+ this giveaway. Veronica Valdez
I like 4moms on facebook and posted on their page
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I would love to win one because I’m an army wife and it’s so difficult moving around from place to place and not receiving the crib and stuff on time. This will be so perfect to have, it would help so much! Thank you for giving us a chance to win!
I liked this page on Facebook
I also liked 4moms page on Facebook
I would love to win a breeze for #2 due in Aug! I would use it in our room and then easily move it to other areas of our house/outside to have a safe place to set her down while chasing our adventurous toddler! I like how it comes with a bassinet and is higher up then most. Thanks for the opportunity! If I win please contact me through my email provided with this post.
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/Heymamomamo/status/476793868223283201
I am following you on twitter.
I am a fan on Facebook.
I have also liked and commented on the 4moms facebook page.
And last but not least I liked this post on facebook!
Thanks for this opportunity!
I would love a Breeze to have when we travel. Both sets of grandparents are out-of-state and baby needs a place to sleep!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/mommatoamelia/status/476796849094139904
I follow @dadarocks on twitter! @mommatoamelia
I would love the Breeze because I want something easy enough to use that I actually use it! The Breeze would be awesome for my toddler and newest addition.
I’d love to win this because I’ve due with my first baby this September. I’ve heard so many amazing things about the Breeze that I really want to get one for my baby girl! My contact email is stephanie.wolfe1203 at gmail dot com
Following via Twitter- @mathewsbambina stephanie.wolfe1203 at gmail dot com
I’m a fan on Facebook (Stephanie Wolfe) stephanie.wolfe1203 at gmail dot com
I’m already a fan of 4Moms (stephanie wolfe) stephanie.wolfe1203 at gmail dot com
I liked this page on Facebook (Stephanie Wolfe) stephanie.wolfe1203 at gmail dot com
Following on Twitter – lovelimes
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We would love to win a breeze because I nearly broke my finger setting up our normal pack n play a few months ago and are about to go on a roadtrip to visit family all over family and having the breeze would make our vacation so much better!!!
I am the mom of 2 babies (one here and one on the way) a few months back I nearly broke my finger trying to set up our pack n play and would love to have something as conveivent as the breeze for situations like that. We are also embarking on our first big family vacation to visit family all around florida and would love to have a breeze to take along with us.
Im a follower on Twitter
I became a fan on Facebook!
I’m pregnant with our first child and we need a portable crib for the bedroom/backyard/grandparens’ house. The Breeze would be ideal since we’ll be constantly moving it around.
Also: I’m following you on twitter (@BlitzerAtHome) and am a 4moms fan on facebook!
I am their fan on facebook and commented as well
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I commented on this site this morning, but it’s not showing.
This is great for traveling and for use at grandma’s
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(mandatory entry #78)
I follow on Facebook as Miller Daly
I am a fan of 4Moms on Facebook as Miller Daly
I’d like to win this for our daughter who is due in October. That way when we travel with her and our two year old toddler it won’t be a nightmare. My twitter handle to contact me at is @lysasama !
I want to win the breeze to be able to have somewhere safe for my baby to hang out in when we travel. @ngchiang
@ngchiang tweeted https://twitter.com/NgChiang/status/476929536685121536)
Followed on twitter @ngchiang
Liked your page on Facebook Sandy ‘Allure’ Chiang
Liked 4moms on Facebook Sandy ‘Allure’ Chiang
Liked page Sandy ‘Allure’ Chiang
Would love to win bc this would be awesome for travel and for grandma’s house! Love how easy it is to set-up and take down! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
6/11 tweet – https://twitter.com/nat5732/status/476933440982376448
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Following you on Twitter @nat5732
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Your Facebook fan – Natalie Shmigelsky
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
I want to win this to give it as a gift.
I would use the Breeze when visiting friends and family, and sometimes at home.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/melissa012205/status/476992036583636992
I follow you on Twitter: @melissa012205
I am a Facebook fan of 4Moms, and I commented on their Facebook page mentioning this giveaway.
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I want to win a 4moms Breeze so that I have something for my baby to nap in while I’m traveling away from home! [email protected]
Entry for tweeting about the contest! https://twitter.com/wjabkowski/status/477013611391750144
I’m your Twitter follower! @wjabkowski
I’m a FAN of yours on Facebook! Wendy Jabkowski is Facebook name 🙂
I’m a FAN of 4moms on Facebook! Wendy Jabkowski is the Facebook name.
I LIKED this Facebook page by clicking the Like button – Facebook name is Wendy Jabkowski.
Would love to win this for a dear friend who is having her first child. Thanks for the chance to win. Dbyrne1[at]gmail[dot]com
tweeted again! @dindlee
Tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/maybedonnie2/status/477095928822644738
Soon to be new mom here, I’d love to win a 4moms Breeze so I would be able to visit people without worrying about a safe place to put down my baby girl! Also perhaps as a barrier between her and my crazy corgi!
Thank you for this great contest. This would be wonderful for my daughter,husband and there 1st baby arriving in July. We live about 800 miles away so when my family comes and visits this would be so great for them to have. Thank you for the chance. [email protected]
I G+’d this page! Wendy Jabkowski [email protected]
Entered, G+,Facebook,Twitter and entered all. Just waitingThank you for the contest
I want to win a 4moms Breeze because I would use it all the time. The bassinet would be great when my baby is born and also for traveling. green holly twig at yahoo dot com
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/Hollytwig4/status/477110650234101761
I’m a DaDaRocks fan on Facebook.
I’m a fan of 4moms on Facebook.
I “liked” this page on Facebook.
We need a travel play yard and this is the best one I have seen! Looks like a great product. Thanks for sharing.
– Fan of 4Moms on Facebook!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
this would be so great to use as a bassinet in our small apartment and for visiting grandma
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/GeckoGirl5/status/477171308367593472
Baby #2 is on the way and I would love to get rid of our clunky playard and have the Breeze! Twitter is @shellfink
@shellfink https://twitter.com/shellfink/status/477195296804335617
@shellfink is a Twitter follower!
liked 4moms on Facebook (Serena Spee)
I would love to win the 4moms Breeze for my little grandchild who I take care of during the work week. I love how easy the Breeze is to set up and take down – amazing!
6/12 tweet – https://twitter.com/nat5732/status/477292418862022658
nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
I became a fan on Facebook – Colleen Maurina
I like 4moms on Facebook and left a Facebook comment – Colleen Maurina
I liked this page on facebook – Colleen Maurina
I G+ this page – Colleen Maurina
Tweeted about the giveaway today 6/13/14 Link: https://twitter.com/wjabkowski/status/477371944048668673
liked the post on Facebook (Serena Spee)
tweeted – https://twitter.com/GeckoGirl5/status/477428012585992192
Tweeted! @dindlee
Daily Tweet 6/13 https://twitter.com/lysasama/status/477463846043410433
I tweeted again today. https://twitter.com/melissa012205/status/477467385662672896
I g+ the post as Gecko Girl
Tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/maybedonnie2/status/477531630366515201
This would make a great shower gift for a friend.
My daily tweet: https://twitter.com/melissa012205/status/477725185404309504
June 14th tweet! @dindlee
I’m a DaDa Rocks fan on Facebook (serena spee)
I tweeted (https://twitter.com/GeckoGirl5/status/477796098673614848)
We travel quite a bit and it would be great if we had something as simple as the breeze to use for our lo.
I’m a Dada rocks fan on fb
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[email protected]
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katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
We HATE our current play yard. As a military family, we travel constantly and the bought of the Breeze just makes me giddy! (and makes me want to go all Office Space on our current one should we win!) My twitter is @ArillaBlog!
https://twitter.com/ArillaBlog/status/477875213992853506 I tweeted! @ArillaBlog
I follow you on Twiiter @ArillaBlog
I’m a 4moms Facebook fan. @arillablog on Twitter
I tweeted today! https://twitter.com/wjabkowski/status/477893245150588929
Tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/maybedonnie2/status/477926706594840576
new grandbaby on the way, this would come in handy!
dropastitch at yahoo dot com
You get 1 extra entry for becoming their FAN on facebook – http://www.facebook.com/4moms – done amy rouse
and commented on their page
You get 1 extra entry for G+ this page on plus.google.com – done amy rouse
We are starting over after 7.5 yrs, and would love the Breeze. Thank you
I would love to win the breeze for a friend of mine who’s a new mom!
I’d like to win because I’d like a safe place to put our baby when we are traveling. @rachgarn
I liked this page on FB. @rachgarn
I like dada rocks on FB. @rachgarn
I like 4moms on FB. Rachel Garner @rachgarn
tweeted https://twitter.com/angelgeniusjail/status/478013695948517377
following @dadarocks on twitter @angelgeniusjail
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fan of 4moms on facebook
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This would be perfect in our home! We have family all over Florida and would use the Breeze for weekend road trips.
Tweeted about the giveaway!
Following @dadarocks on Twitter! – @elizabethb5887
I am a Dadarocks fan on Facebook- Elizabeth B
I am a 4Moms Facebook fan and posted about the giveaway!
Liked the post on the Dadarocks Facebook page!
6/15 tweet @dindlee
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/GeckoGirl5/status/478154795820515328
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
i really want this !:) been wanting one of these forever!!
[email protected]
fb fan of yours courtney bella
My tweet for today: https://twitter.com/melissa012205/status/478269158061121537
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/ashleysuzanne13/status/478370848349237248
Tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/maybedonnie2/status/478371198447792128
tweeted! https://twitter.com/rachgarn/status/478374869424680960
tweeted https://twitter.com/angelgeniusjail/status/478381825501724672
Daily tweet entry! https://twitter.com/wjabkowski/status/478419256929816576
June 16th tweet- @dindlee
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/GeckoGirl5/status/478519084737241088
tweeted https://twitter.com/rachgarn/status/478533766101479424
We’re expecting baby #2 due next month, I want to win so I can bring it to my parent’s house this holiday. Thank you for the chance.
https://twitter.com/elizabethb5887/status/478537425652699137 I tweeted about the dadarocks/breeze giveaway! 6/16
I would love to win one for traveling with my son!
I liked 4moms!
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I liked this post [email protected]
I liked 4 moms [email protected]
I liked dada rocks [email protected]
I would love to win for traveling with my son! [email protected]
I am your fan on Facebook.
Another daily tweet: https://twitter.com/melissa012205/status/478579544366936064
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
Would like this for road tripping this summer!
follow you on twitter @solace76
Your fan on fb!
I’m a fan of 4moms and posted!
liked this page!
I’m a 4Moms fan on Facebook!
I’d love to win this as a shower gift for a good friend of mine due in Dec!
I am a fan of DaDa rocks on facebook. I would like to win a breeze, because I am tired of struggling to setup the traditional playyard.
[email protected]
6/16 tweet
I want to win a breeze because it’s both attractive & functional and will get a lot of use by my little girl.
I’m a Follower & I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/AlyMckny/status/478694336704430080
I’m also a fan of 4moms & DadaRocks on Facebook.
You can contact me at my Twiiter: @AlyMckny
Tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/maybedonnie2/status/478761800800821248
Im a 4moms fan! Breeze giveaway
i want to win BECAUSE IT’S AWESOME!! i would love to own one of these for our little one! thanks!
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/thechowmom/status/478844523557425152
i’m following on Twitter! @thechowmom
i’m a fan on Facebook!
June 17th tweet!
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/GeckoGirl5/status/478864795513270273
katherinedibello (at) gmail (Dot) com
tweeted! https://twitter.com/rachgarn/status/478879740917714944
Tweet for 6/17: https://twitter.com/melissa012205/status/478922785448665088
The breeze would be a breeze with my next little one making it’s debut next month!! [email protected]! Following dadarocks on twitter! @ashberr
tweeted https://twitter.com/angelgeniusjail/status/478947853856165889
I would love to win a 4moms breeze because it has great features. First, it looks great. Second, it is breezy enough for me not to be paranoid about ventilation. Third, it is very easy to open and close, so this won´t complicate things when we are at grandparent´s or other relative´s houses. Forth, it is hard to feel your baby is safe when you have a two level house. If the nursery is downstairs and you need to be upstairs, this is just very handy. And I am sure that there are many other perks I´d love but those are the main ones.
I would love to win the 4moms Breeze because its so easy to take and go! My 9 month old is on the verge of crawling any minute now and this would be ideal to take to the park with the older kids, take to grandma’s, or just set up in the backyard for him to play in. Fingers crossed!
My email address is kudra1978 at aol dot com.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/kudra1978/status/478964307057590272
I follow on twitter: @kudra1978
This is my tweet; https://twitter.com/the_happy_bb/status/478964827424292864 To get in touch with me, you can do it via email: thehappybabyblog (at)hotmail (dot) com
I’ve liked you on facebook. user: kudra1978
My email address is kudra1978 at aol dot com
My email address is kudra1978 at aol dot com
I am following you on twitter as @the_happy_bb
I am a fan on FB, name “Missha Vara”
Left the message that I came from your blog on the 4moms facebook and I am a fan.
I liked this post on facebook. I also liked on G+ Username Missha V on G+
6/17 tweet
tweeted today! https://twitter.com/wjabkowski/status/478993593856954369
Please pick me, I have entered every Breeze contest so far – I really need one!!!
email address is [email protected]
To win a 4moms breeze would make trips to grandma and grandpas house super easy! [email protected]
I am a 4moms Facebook fan!
I am following @dadarocks on twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/missamitya/status/479101501197922305
I am a fan of DaDaRocks on Facebook!
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