Usually I get pitched dozens of items a day, many of them say we have a kickstarter going – usually I just stop reading there but there was something different in the way Lightup talked about what they’re doing. It also helped that they’ve successfully proven in a prior kickstarter that kids can play and learn with their system.
I received a Lightup edison kit to review the interactive building and the idea would my 6.5 year old play with it. I’m happy to report not only did he get it but he loved building circuits and having an ipad app to help guide him when he was getting a little stuck.
Their new Lightup Faraday kit kickstarter has already gotten underway with some a great deal of success. Named after the famed English Scientist Michael Faraday, who discovered electromagnetic induction, as you can imagine this kit brings drag and drop coding to tablets and allows kids to program their own circuit completely wirelessly.
There are some great backer rewards in this package and if you have any desire to help your kid get their first taste of coding or electronics this is a great present.