bluesmart-mia-logo-600x259If this is your first baby prepping is fairly common but if your on your second or third or fourth child you kind of know the drill of sleepless nights.  The one common thing with newborns is that every doctor asks how much milk is the baby taking in… which usually you just blink at the doctor saying huh what?! I’m barely awake at feedings and now you want me to measure out how much they consume.  Which is always meet by a Yup that would be great.

bluesmart-mia-close-upWell thanks to the smart people who created BlueSmart mia a smart sleeve for baby bottles. Allowing you now to make any bottle a smart bottle… giving you a wealth of knowledge that you can share with the Doctor.

If having a perfect record keeper for all the bottle feedings isnt enough, the BlueSmart mia will alert you to temperature of the milk/formula. You cant imagine how many times a half asleep parent forgot to warm the bottle or worst OVER warmed the bottle.

bluesmart-mia-app-shotJust another wonderful little helper that you wont have to be jumping for pens and paper right after feeding. Really the last thing you need is another thing to try to remember to do at 3:45am.

Lets talk about the key features of BlueSmart mia.

  • Real time monitoring
  • Temperature monitoring
  • Tracking patterns
  • journaling feature that allows you to note important milestones in the app

Since the product just launched you can find the BlueSmart mia on and on