IMG_6340For years I’ve worn old spice deodorant (seriously, I found it on the duane reade shelf like 10 years ago and its been my go to ever since.)  So when the guys at “Life of Dad” asked if I wanted to try out the latest Old Spice Hardest Working collection and be a bit of advertising for it – I was like HECK YAH!

So whats harder then being a dad? perhaps nothing cause what you do will directly impact their lives… so I’m a dad 24/7/365 no matter what…. then on top of that I’m holding down a 9-5 and try to be a social guy, by taking my wife out for dates and catching up with friends. Am I legendary? only to my kids… but I think its pretty amazing I got a photo without the kids climbing on me for a moment.

So on top of the checking out some of the Odor Blocker and Sweat Defense anti-perspirants, I’m now trying the Dirt Destroyer Body Wash from Old Spice for the first time.

Now I’m not the guy thats out there running 5k marathons, or chopping down trees or backpacking in the forrest… I’m the guy getting up at 7am and going all day well into the early morning and doing it day after day.  I get up shower and swipe that anti-perspirant on… thats it… 12 hours later its still keeps me smelling great, that after walking a half mile to drop my son off at school to the subway all the stairs in and out of the subway and into work all day.


1-800-PROVE-IT Challenge – Old Spice is so confident in the Hardest Working Collection, the product is backed with a money-back guarantee – as seen in a series of humorous digital infomercials hosted by Product King® Bob Giovanni. If guys use the Hardest Working Collection and the products do not live up to their standards, they can call 1-800-PROVE-IT for a full refund. Just call the line, and Bob Giovanni himself will provide further instructions.

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Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Old Spice for this promotion.