Between and over the next few weeks you’ll see a few wonderful AT&T Mobility phone giveaways. Thats right I’m this seasons AT&T Phone Fairy! On Black Friday LateNightParents kicked off the giveaways with the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play…
Tonight we’re kicking off the LG Thrill 4G Smartphone which also happens to be pretty awesome as its a standalone 3D camera too.
The LG Thrill 4G is a good android device that runs on the AT&T mobility network and has features like two cameras at its rear end and fascinating special effects.
It is not true that the customers are going to spend their hard earned bucks on something that is not valuable and when it comes to the LG Thrill 4G there is something more to it apart from 3D feature without glasses. The fact that this device is being put on major Holiday Specials really talks about how much energy AT&T is putting behind it – right now its just $0.01 on amazon (with new service or renewal).
LG Thrill 4G Hardware
The LG Thrill 4G has dimensions of 5.07 x 2.68 x 0.47 inches and weighs 5.93 ounces. The 4.3 inch display of the smartphone has a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels and is also equipped with identical layout for the camera, hardware keys and ports just like the previous version of Optimus 3D.
The internals of the LG Thrill 4G include dual core TI OMAP 4430 processing unit clocked at 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, two 5 MP cameras for capturing 3D images, one 1.3 MP frontal camera and a 1500 mAh lithium ion battery. The standard Android keyboard of the device is also accompanied by few tweaks from LG.
LG Thrill 4G Software
Where most of the Android devices flocking the shelves are embedded with Gingerbread this handset has Froyo or Android 2.2 pre-installed in it.
LG Thrill 4G 3D Technology
Instead of a dedicated camera key the LG Thrill 4G is endowed with a 3D key on its right side that acts as a toggle switch between 2D and 3D when you are using the camera and also opens up 3D options and applications on menu screen outside the camera mode. The menu items float above the screen and the idea of incorporating camera, games, gallery, YouTube, apps and 3D guide.
This to me is the coolest part of the phone. I test with taking over 40 minutes of videos and dozens of photos. The photos work great in 3-4 feet worth of depth. The videos work great at 5-10 feet of depth, but the big question came of what can you do with it?! I never figured it out before I whipped the drive – I had the coolest Elmo video from Sesame Place but its certainly something people will be talking about when you show them what your phone can do.
How to win it… Contest ends 11:59pm EST. December 5th, 2011.
Leave a comment below with one feature you love about this device and please include some method for us to contact you in the comment (twitter or email).
You get 1 extra entry for tweeting about this contest (you can do this daily). Must contain the following information: @LGUSAMobile @ATT @LateNightParent #ATTphoneFairy – and you must also comment with the link to your tweet.
Example: I want to win a @LGUSAMobile Thrill 4G from @dadarocks & the @ATT #ATTphoneFairy – #giveaway
You get 1 extra entry for following @DaDaRocks on twitter – You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for following @ATT on twitter – You must comment that you’re a follower.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming our FAN on facebook – You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for becoming their FAN on facebook – (and leave a note saying that sent you) You must comment that you’re a fan.
You get 1 extra entry for liking this page on facebook (like button at the top of the post NOTE: you must be signed into facebook for it to work!)
You get 1 extra entry for suggesting and having 5 friends become fans of DaDa Rocks on facebook (and have them leave a note saying you sent them)
You get 1 extra entry for writing about this giveaway on your blog (with a link back to http://dadarocks) you must also comment with the link to your post.
You get 1 extra entry for putting this on reddit, digg, or any other social bookmarking service.
You will have 24 hours to reply before we pick another winner!
Disclaimer: AT&T Mobility supplied the mobile device for this giveaway. Limited to the USA
I love everything about this phone. I hope to win. 🙂
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mendyd15 at yahoo dot com
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Mendy Tubbs Dinsmore
mendyd15 at yahoo dot com
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I like the Mobile WiFi Hotspot feature.
I’m a fan of dadarocks on fb.
I would love to check out that 3D camera on it. Sign me up for the contest : )
I love the 2- 5MP cameras!
I follow @DaDaRocks on twitter (@lifeonprint)
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I’m a fan of Dadarocks on FB: Lifeonprint Cindy H
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I liked this post with the FB like button
I love that it has two 5 MP cameras for capturing 3D images! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I am a fan of DaDaRocks on FB, I am a fan of AT&T on Facebook, I follow DaDaRocks and AT&T on Twitter and I tweeted @laurie.
I like that it has 2 cameras and I like that it is from AT&T
The feature I love about this device is the 4G capability, I am sick of my 3G blackberry!
I tweeted!/gaynycdad/status/141548328226799617
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I stumbled this post for extra credit!
I would love to play with the special effects on the camera. The fact that it is android is a plus
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looks outstanding! Love the ability to take 3D pictures!!/tawndam/status/141556251917164545
tawndam following @DaDaRocks on twitter
tawndam following @ATT on twitter
Tawnda M is a fb fan of /dadarocks
Tawnda M likes ATT on fb
Tawnda M liked this post (&, of course… so did Mitch Gaynycdad who brought me here!)
I want a phone where I can download apps…everyone is always talking about this app or that app and I’ve got a big, fat “nada” because I don’t have a “smart” phone..yet!
But this phone specifically….the video camera, it would be awesome to use the video feature to upload video straight to Facebook…no more dragging my old digital camera everywhere I go. With the holidays approaching, having a video camera on my phone would be fantastic for sharing the holidays with family that we can’t visit this year.
Following dadarocks on Twitter @auntiethesis
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(Michelle Hudak)
Clicked the “Like” button at the top of the post (Michelle Hudak)
Shared the giveaway on StumbleUpon (auntiethesis)
I like that it is 3D. I have never seen a 3D phone before!
following @DaDaRocks on twitter as @tannawings
following @ATT on twitter as @tannawings
FAN on facebook (yours) ellen beck
FAN on facebook (AT&T) ellen beck
Liked this page on facebook (like button at the top of the post) ellen beck!/tannawings/status/141715548332494848
glasses-free 3d!!!
ive tweeted about this contest!/thebeanerb/status/141747836554452992
i am now an @att follower
i am also a DaDa Rocks Facebook fan!
i am a @DaDaRocks follower!! and i feel like a better person for it 🙂
i am an att fan and the are aware of where their newest fan came from…!!!
I think that 3D feature is the one that most appeals to me …and that it is an android system.
@Schmidty, rusthawk at gmail dot com
I tweeted!/rusthawk/status/141754069361500161
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I follow ATT on twitter @rusthawk.
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I liked this post with your button. (Rust Hawk).!/tannawings/status/141757579016683520
The fact that it is a standalone 3D camera too!
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I’m a FAN on facebook –
i Digg this post!/tawndam/status/142039440393646080
I love that they actually work…lol, my phone is ancient and randomly powers off.
follow you on Twitter as @closertolucy
@closertolucy follows @ATT!/rusthawk/status/142094589757632513!/tannawings/status/142131433371205632
i love the idea of 4Gspeeds.!!!/tawndam/status/142386077662064640
I loive the 3D camera feature
I follow @dadarocks on Twitter
I follow @ATT on Twitter
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Kevin Elak
I like AT&T on Facebook
Kevin Elak!/tannawings/status/142485597934727168
the 3d camera is awesome and i can’t leave out 4g!
thank you for the opportunity;)
i follow dadarocks on twitter as living_lalaland
i like dadarocks on facebook as chacoyaguayo/livinginlalaland
i like at&t on facebook and told them you sent me!
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12/5 RT!/auntiethesis/status/143627602320568320
tweet 12/5!/kjmaje/status/143674395993456640!/tawndam/status/143684072772878337
reposted the article!/rubenalvjr/status/143725560512774144
I love this android OS phones ability to capture stunning 3D photos like no other phone.
I am also following @ATT and @dadarocks on my twitter account (@rubenalvjr) and I have became a FAN of ATT and Dadarocks on Facebook.
my posting on @Reddit.
The post I put up on my blog. My twitter @rubenalvjr!/rusthawk/status/143898128888770560
Awesome looking phone! Love that it has Android and offers a ton of cool apps. Thanks!
P.S. That fairy picture cracks me up every time I see it! 😉
I follow you on Twitter (roomofmyown)
@Schmidty, congrats you’re our winner!/Jeepnie/status/165876858783666176
Who doesn’t like free stuff?