Lately there has been a lot of talk of the soon to be announce Apple iSlate and depending on price point I will or will not get one, but let us stick to the topic at hand my iPhone (3G) and the apps that I love for the baby and for me.
There are a ton of things you can do with the default apps installed already you can download music for babies or you download TV shows for your iPhone right from the iTunes store. Here are a couple of my favorites on the music front we have a clear winner with The Laurie Berkner Band (Stay Tuned as I have a full Laurie Berkner post planned for Friday alone) her most popular album is Victor Vito [ iTunes | Amazon ] and her newest is Rocketship Run [ iTunes | Amazon ] and on the TV front Yo Gabba Gabba [ iTunes | Amazon has select DVDs and Digital Video files (wont work on iPhones/iPods)]
Taking first place for me in the apps for babies is…
Wheels on the Bus [ iTunes ] by DuckDuckMoose
They also make a wonderful Itsy Bitsy Spider [ iTunes ] and Old McDonald [ iTunes ]
These are all interactive where things pop, move, fly, and make sounds when tapped. I also have a new favorite which is Free is Baby Flash Cards [ iTunes ].
On the DaDa gaming front…
Fieldrunners, Knights are both tower defense games that I found fun until I bet them. Recently I’ve been playing Bejeweled 2 (which includes the Facebook game Bejeweled Blitz – which is the sole reason I play).
On the DaDa useful front…
Facebook, New York Times, Twitterific, LinkedIN, FourSquare, Shazam, Now Playing and Fandango.
Whats on your list?
The iSlate… the bigger more expensive thing my daughter is going to grab, drop and break 🙂
thats why I'll purchase it with AMEX (built in insurance) and still buy the apple care… but I want to design a baby proof iPhone case… (one that covers up the home button – which is usually why Marc tosses the iPhone on the floor is he exited out of the video, he was watching)
Love these!! Thanks.
Lisa, Whats your Fav App?
First- love the site and your topics.
As for my iPhone – 2 apps that keep my children from climbing to the ceiling of restaurants are:
Wheels on the Bus- AMEN – my 2 year old can play with that for days
SketchBoxX – my 4 year old loves this- she draws shapes and colors them- my aspiring artist.
Bonus fave – when we travel we have a must have App. “WhiteNoise” our kids are used to sleeping with fans or noise machines and instead of traveling with some else- we plug in and run the noise app —
Please design that case for iphone and ipod touch. If I could just keep my kids from touching that home button, life would be much easier.