What do you pack in your Hospital Overnight Bag

What do you pack in your Hospital Overnight Bag

overnight-bagPreparedness becomes a central theme to the arrival of a baby. We’ve already discussed this matter in check list fashion, but let’s dive a little further.

Mom’s hospital bag is vital, a key to being prepared as it houses the requisite items we so often overlook. For example: While everyone is comfortable using their phone as a primary camera, we’re quick to forget that on important occasions such as, say, childbirth, the phone’s primary function is to serve as a phone. Bring a camera. Document this thing right.

And that being said, you can’t forget the following either:

  • Phone Charger – People are going to be calling you, make sure you can answer.
  • Guy’s pack – These newborns can take their time. Be sure to have the right supplies for your own overnight stay. Fresh socks, underwear, shirt, pants…you’ll want to look good, feel good, and be all set for the arrival of your kid!
  • CBR Collection Kit – You’re saving your baby’s cord blood stem cells with Cord Blood Registry so you’d better not forget the mechanism by which the doc’s going to collect! Also be sure to have all the paperwork settled (before arriving!). Make sure those cells are saved seamlessly.
  • The Red Tape – IDs, insurance, birth plan, forms, etc. Few love it. Everyone needs it. Bring them.
  • Scrap-able clothing – This journey isn’t going to be a clean one. From birth itself to an elongated stay at the hospital, bring some clothes that you can retire.
  • For her – Overnight goodies pertaining to hygiene, a headband or hair ties, more of those scrap-able clothes, maternity bras, and any other special requests the mother of your child might need.
  • Snacks – No hospital cafeteria is soon to get a four-star rating. Pack some of her and your favorite non-perishables. Also, singles! Bring those tiny bills because the vending machines won’t take plastic and you don’t want to wind up with $18 in coin change.
  • A Pen – Inevitably you’re going to need one so why not come prepared with one? From the hospitals forms to Cord Blood Registry’s forms to your own desire to document the occasion, a writing utensil should help.

Control what you can amidst the unpredictable nature of childbirth; prepare to be prepared (sounds like a John Wooden axiom)! Ask your partner what she needs or wants and pack this bag together.

And don’t forget the camera!