Pregnancy Check List

Pregnancy Check List

suzanne-pregnant-2The decision to start a family was a big one. We knew it would mean lots of change and a full 180 from the lives we knew and were comfortable with. But that was about where the definites of what we knew stopped.

Well, with the benefit of hindsight, I’ve written up checklist for the expecting dads out there or those of you thinking about starting your own family. Let’s call it the “Your Life’s About to Change, Dad” checklist Enjoy:

  1. Pregnant – Become such. This may be obvious but just a reminder: it does have to happen.
  2. Torture – She’s about to endure nine-months of it so be sure to stock up on your sympathy. You can practice by holding an ice cube for two minutes – they say that’s the closest most men will come to experiencing the pain of labor cramps.
  3. Future – Talk about it. The naming battles are just the beginning. Don’t fear the future.
  4. Diaper Bag – You’re going to carry one so make sure you’re comfortable with its look and feel.
  5. Stroller – You’re going to push one. Be the man and figure out the brakes and how to make it collapse with a flick of your wrist.
  6. Stem Cell Banking – Have a conversation with your partner and doctor about cord blood. It can save lives so I highly recommend saving it. There are payment plans galore to make it work if your budget is tight.
  7. Nursery – Pick your battles. If you care about design, then make sure you get this right. Otherwise, let your partner lead and you focus on what you’ll be using the most – the changing table.
  8. Logistics – From adding things to your insurance to making sure you get time off, dot your I’s and cross your T’s.
  9. Photography – Trust me, you’re going to want those first few weeks documented for a lifetime because they fly right by. Find a professional you like and set up a shoot.
  10. Diapers – Learn everything you can about how to change them because you’re about to do it a lot.
Dear Winter, I think its time for a break but before lets get some pictures

Dear Winter, I think its time for a break but before lets get some pictures

It’s been a very long winter, plenty of snow fall – records in many places. If you ask someone from Texas they might say the end of the world is near with the amount of snow they’ve seen this year.

In the end the best part of the snow is running outside with the family all bundled up and getting pictures in the snow (while its still white and clean!).

Some quick winter time tips…

  • Keep your camera dry! electronics and water don’t mix unless you have a waterproof camera in which case they do.
  • If you’re using a DSLR and you notice that its taking longer and longer to snap that picture its just your camera FREEZING up (literally freezing) its not good for your camera to be in sub arctic weather.
  • Shot with the background in mind – having a bright white background is great but landmarks under snow are pretty incredible.
  • Use the snow – have a snowball fight, make snow angels, roll around and get your pants all covered in snow.
  • Change your perspective – get low.

These tips came from my wife Suzanne [ ].